Daredevil Dizisi
Daredevil Dizisi

Daredevil Season 3 Confirmed

Daredevil Season 3 has been confirmed by Netflix. The third season of the series had already been confirmed, but we knew it would be delayed. With the new update, it has been confirmed that the series will be released within this year.

In our previous news, we were waiting for Daredevil Season 3 in 2019. This news has excited us greatly, especially since there are many fans of the series in our country.

Although The Defenders premiered on Netflix in 2017, it seems that 2018 is the year of the Daredevil hero. The new seasons of all the Defenders team have been announced this year.

After the announcement of Netflix‘s Q2 earnings, Sarandos mentioned the opportunity to bring back new seasons of popular Netflix shows in the second half of 2018 towards the end of the list. Surprisingly, Daredevil was part of this list.