The merger process between Disney and 20th Century Fox studios is soon to be completed. Moreover, we now have a specific date.
In summary, 20th Century Fox studios were put up for sale, attracting interest from several major companies in Hollywood. However, Disney Studios became the new owner of Fox with a $71 billion offer. The merger process between the two studios began last year. However, the approval of such significant mergers takes a considerable amount of time in the United States. It has now been revealed that the process, which has been ongoing for over a year, will be completed on March 20th!
Starting from March 20th, 20th Century Fox will officially become a part of the Disney family. Additionally, the rights to the X-Men characters will return to Marvel Studios. All films, television studios, as well as National Geographic and FX cable television channels owned by 20th Century Fox, will join the Disney family. Disney will also acquire a 30% stake in the streaming platform Hulu. The only assets remaining outside of this deal are Fox’s sports channels. This is because Disney already owns another major sports channel, ESPN, and monopoly in this area is not allowed.